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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma


Updated: Jul 18, 2020


(The Sun Salutation)

Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) is an ancient and sacred yogic technique from India to express gratitude to the Sun. Suryanamaskar is a set of 12 Asanas (postures), it is done preferably in the morning facing the rising sun. There are numerous health benefits of Suryanamaskar for different systems of the body provided proper breathing pattern is followed. Suryanamaskar revitalizes each and every cell of the body, gives physical strength, flexibility, and mental calmness.

Suryanamaskar has 12 steps which includes 7asanas out of which 5 asanas are done twice.

One set comprises of 12 asanas. 1 cycle of suryanamaskar comprises of 2 such sets done by stretching the right side first followed by the left i.e. a set of 24 steps need to be done.

One cycle of suryanamaskar burns approximately 14 calories.

Note: If you are a beginner in yoga it is advisable to first try and master each of the listed asana separately. Then attempt completing sequence of complete asanas.

Asanas of Suryanamaskar with their benefits are as follow:

Helps center the mind, reduces anxiety and stress

1. Pranamasana:

Helps center the mind, reduces anxiety and stress

Hasta Utthanasana

2. Hasta Utthanasana:

Reduces backache, stretches shoulders and Improves digestion


3. Padahastanasana

Therapeutic for insomnia, helps relieve anxiety, stretches hamstrings, therapeutic for osteoporosis and strengthens Knee and thighs.


4. Ashwasanchalanasana:

Improves hop flexibility tones kidney and liver, helps in building will power, Stimulates Digestive system, strengthens quadriceps and Increases lung capacity.


5. AshtanagaNamasakar:

Strengthens shoulders, expands chest & improves spine flexibility


6. Bhujangasana:

Tone abdominal muscles, relieves symptoms of fatigue and is therapeutic for asthma.

Parvatasan or AdhoMukhaSvanasana

7. Parvatasan or AdhoMukhaSvanasana:

Improves blood circulation, therapeutic for high bp, and helps to gain height.

While doing each asana of Suryanamaskar or Sun Salutation, chanting of a mantra specific to the asana can be done. The corresponding mantra for all 12 steps is as follows:


1.1. ॐ मित्रlयनमः (Om Mitrāya Namaḥ)

2. ॐ रवयेनमः (Om Ravaye Namaḥ)

3. ॐ सूर्यायनमः (Om Sūryāya Namaḥ)

4. ॐ भानवायेनमः (Om Bhānave Namaḥ)

5. ॐ खगये नमः (Om Khagāya Namaḥ)

6. ॐ पुष्णेनमः (Om Pūṣṇe Namaḥ)

7. ॐ हिरणlगरभायनमः (Om Hiraṇya Garbhāya Namaḥ)

8. ॐ मरीचयेनमः (Om Marīcaye Namaḥ)

9. ॐ आदित्यरयनमः (Om Ādityāya Namaḥ)

10. ॐ सावित्र्यैनमः (Om Savitre Namaḥ)

11. ॐ आर्कlयनमः (Om Arkāya Namaḥ)

12. ॐ भास्करायनमः Bhāskarāya Namaḥ

Benefits of Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation):

1. Suryanamaskar, or Sun Salutations, ideally done facing the early morning sun helps our body to absorb sunlight that provides us with vitamin D for strong bones.

2. The asanas of Suryanamaskar help to improve one’s body posture and helps losing unwanted body flab or fat.

3 Suryanamaskar also helps to loosens up the joints in the body and tones the muscles and internal organs.

4 The postures in Suryanamaskar stretch our muscular system and improve our body flexibility specially leg, back, chest and gluteal muscles. It is found that by practicing Suryanamaskar regularly, one can significantly increase Hand grip, strength endurance and flexibility.

5. The stepsand postures of the asana of Suryanamaskar help all our internal organs function better the various poses regulates our blood flow and benefits the following body systems:

· Effect on respiratory system: The regular practice of Suryanamaskar significantly increases maximum inspiratory pressure and maximum expiratory pressure. This improves the strength of expiratory muscles. It also improves the strength of the intercostal muscles that ultimately leads to Increasingvital capacity and contractility of lungs.

· Effect on cardiovascular and circulatory system: It is reportedthat incorporating Suryanamaskar in daily routine life can improve cardiorespiratory efficiency and fitness. An increase in systolic blood pressure, peak expiratory flow rate, forced vital capacity, and reduction of respiratory rate, heart rate, and diastolic blood pressure. The regular Suryanamaskar practices lead to relative vagal dominance, reduced sympathetic tone, and improved cardiovascular function.

· Effect on endocrinal system: Regular practice of Suryanamaskar modulates endocrinal system of the body especially, pancreas, thyroid, adrenals and pituitary glands. The overall effect is very beneficial for Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypothyroidism and menstrual disorders. Its regular practice significantly decreases the oxidative stress of the body which plays a key role in insulin resistance and complication in diabetes patients. It is also known to improve the lipid profile in diabetic patients which plays a supportive role in its complications.

· Effect on nervous system: Suryanamaskar tunes the central, Peripheral and autonomic Nervous system. This effect is a boon for patients with lower backache, diabetes mellitus, and different neuronal weaknesses.

· Effect on gastrointestinal system: Regular Suryanamaskar practice improves digestion, combat constipation and different gastrological problems


· Effect on mind: Suryanamaskar also exerts positive effects on both the physiological and psychological variables. It‘s different postural, breathing and chanting pattern produces calm, relaxation, stable and stress free mind.

6. Suryanamaskar helps combat insomnia as it relaxes the body, calms the mind, removes lethargy and makes our mind alert.

7. Suryanamaskar helps woman regulate menstrual cycles and makes childbirth easier.

8.Suryanamaskar activates the Pingala nadi (Surya nadi) which enhances the energy level in the body.

Do’s and Don’ts of Suryanamaskar:


Suryanamaskar prepares the body for asana practice. Hence it should be performed by the practitioner before the yoga asana.

It should be practiced empty stomach or minimum gap of 4 hours between the meal and the practice.

It should be practiced on a yoga mat chatai or blanket.


Suryanamaskar should not be practiced by people suffering from acute cases of high blood pressure, hernia, heart disease, excess toxins in body and those who have had a stroke.

People suffering from back problems (slip disk ) should practice it after consulting yoga expert as they will modify those steps which are not advisable for them.

It should not be practiced during fever, and inflammation

Suryanamaskar should be avoided during menstruation.

While practicing Suryanamaskar, one’s movement should be slow, not jerky. The breathing should be steady and rhythmic. Forceful inhalation, exhalation and retention strains the lungs and should be avoided.

Most common Misconceptions:

It is believed that Suryanamaskar should be practiced only during the day, facing the sun. The fact however is, while it is recommended to do Suryanamaskar in the morning, facing the rising sun, it is not mandatory. Busy office goers and other people can practice it at any time of the day or in the evening with an empty stomach.


Please take note that the effects of Suryanamaskar may vary from person to person. The above benefits are a guideline as it has been observed by many practitioners. The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.

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22 comentarios

08 jul 2020

very nice loved it

Me gusta

17 may 2020

Fully systematic and helpful blog dear... You hv done a very good job... Now people hv to follow this to get the full benefit of it... Waiting for some more.. Love you😘

Me gusta

16 may 2020

Very well explained and very informative...

Me gusta

15 may 2020

Liked it so much! Well explained 👏

Me gusta

14 may 2020

Very informative,I will try to do this

Me gusta
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