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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma



(Vitality-stimulating Breath)

Surya is the sun and it also refers to pingala nadi. Bheda has three meanings: secret, discrimination and to pierce. In this pranayama pingala nadi is activated by breathing in through the right nostril. Suryabheda pierces pingla and activates prana shakti in this nadi.


· Sit comfortably in any meditative pose on the mat, Sit preferably in Siddha asana/ Siddha Yoni asana.

· Keep your back straight and shoulder relaxed. Make a Nasagra Mudra of right palm. Close the left nostril and leaving the right open.

· Inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril and fill up your lungs with maximum capacity

· Open the left nostril and exhale slowly. This completes one round of Suryabhedna Pranayama.

· Practice it for 5-10 rounds

· Then commence another round. Breathe in through the right nostril, hold the breath for few seconds and breathe out through the left nostril.

· Practice up to ten rounds.

Benefits of Suryabhedan Pranayama:

· Boosts the nervous system .

· Helps in regeneration of the lung tissues and enhances their capacity.

· Strengthens the immune system and increases the efficiency of digestive system.

· Soothes and invigorates the nerves and cleans the Sinuses.

· Purifies the brain and destroys Intestinal Worms and diseases arising from excess of wind.

· It cures rhinitis and various sorts of neuralgia.

· Provides relief to people suffering from asthma, cold, low blood pressure, and gastric problems.

· Increases the body temperature and provides warmth hence particularly useful and effective for people with cold hands and feet

· Removes the mucus (Kapha) imbalance in the body.

· Helps in weight loss and is very effective against obesity.

· Beats anxiety, depression, low energy, stress management, and other mental illnesses.


The eyes, temples, eyebrows, and the skin on the forehead should remain completely passive and show no sign of strain.

Person suffering from high blood pressure or heart problems should not hold their breath after inhalation.

It should not be performed if you are suffering from any kind of fever as it increases the heat in the body.

Avoid this Pranayama if you are suffering from high acidity (Pitta), or have recently recovered from diarrhea.


Please take note that the effects of SURYABHEDA PRANAYAMA may vary from person to person. The above benefits are a guideline as it has been observed by many practitioners. The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.


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