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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma

Step By Step Suryanamaskar

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

In my earlier blog I have explained what Suryanamaskar is and how it is beneficial for our body and mind.

In this blog I will tell how to do Suryanamaskar step by step.

Note: If you are a beginner in yoga it is advisable to first try and master each of the listed asana separately. Then attempt completing sequence of complete asanas.

Step I: Pranamasana ( Prayer position)

Stand at the front edge of your mat, keep your feet together and balance your body equally on both feet. Expand your chest and relax your shoulders. Lift both arms up from the sides while inhaling and bring palm together in front of your upper chest, join them and exhale.

Step II: Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Keeping the palm in prayer position, lift both the arms up and roll them back keeping the biceps close to the ears. Stretch the arms as much as you can. Inhale while raising your hands. Inhalation should be in unison with the raising of hands. Stretch the whole body up from the toe to the tip of the fingers. And try to tilt the pelvic forward a little instead of bending it back.

Step III: Padahastasana (Standing forward bend)

Slowly Bend forward from the waist breath out and try to keep spine erect. Try to bring down hands to the floor besides the feet and exhale completely.

One can bend the knees if necessary to bring the palms down to the floor.

Step IV: Vama Ashwasnchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

In continuation of the previous step with slow and deep inhalation push your right leg back as far as possible, then gently touch the right knee on the floor and try to keep hands and the left foot firmly on the ground. The left knee should be between the palms at 90degree Angle in the final posture. And breathe normally.

Step V: Parvatasana or Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)

Exhale, bend inverted in a ‘V’ posture by lifting the hips and the tail bone up. Try as much as possible to keep your heels in contact with the floor. Look towards the navel or your knees in the final posture.

Breathe normally.

Step VI: Ashthanga Namaskar

Exhaling slowing, lower the body and touch eight limbs of the body to the floor:- two feet, two knees, two hands, chest and chin- touch the floor. The abdominal region is to be kept slightly raised up not to be touching the floor. Breathe Normally.

Step VII: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Slowly raise your head & shoulder, and then chest up and bend the spine backward as much as possible. You may keep the elbow bent for a few days of practice. Look up towards the roof or sky in the final posture.

Breathe Normally.

Step VIII: Parvatasana or Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)

Exhale, Bend inverted in a ‘V’ posture by lifting the hips and the tail bone up. Try as much as possible to keep your heels in contact with the floor. Look towards the navel or your knees in the final posture.

Breathe normally.

Step IX: Aswasanchalana Asana

In continuation of the previous step with slow and deep inhalation push your left leg back as far as possible, gently touch the left knee on the floor and try to keep hands and the right foot firmly on the ground. The left knee should be between the palms at 90degree angle in the final posture. And breathe normally.

Step X: Padahastanasana (Standing forward bend)

Bring the right leg also forward and bend back slowly from the waist. Breathe out and try to keep spine erect. Try to bring down hands to the floor besides the feet and exhale completely.

One can bend the knees if necessary to bring the palms down to the floor.

Step XI: Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Inhale and raise the hands overhead and bend in backward position. Lift both the arms up roll them back keeping the biceps close to the ears. Stretch the arms as much as you can. Inhale while raising your hands inhalation should be in unison with the raising of hands. Stretch the whole body up from the toe to the tip of the fingers. And try to tilt the pelvic forward a little instead of bending it back.

Step XII: Pranamasana (prayer position)

Slowly bring your hand down to the chest. Bring palms together in front of your upper chest, join them and exhale.

Disclaimer:The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.

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