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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma

Prithvi Namaskar (Earth Salutation)

Hi! here is one more interesting sequence of asanas blog for my dear readers about an ancient and sacred yogic technique from India to express gratitude to the Mother Earth “Prithvi Namaskar” and a physical culture which naturally starts the Susumna Nadi.

Prithvi Namaskar is a set of 17 Asanas (postures), it can be done at any time of the day, preferably empty stomach or with a meal gap of at least 3 hours. There are numerous health benefits of Prithvi Namskar for different systems of the body, provided proper breathing pattern is followed. It revitalizes each and every cell of the body, gives physical strength, flexibility, mental calmness, stability and focus. It has an amazing effect on our shoulder, arms and thighs. People who want to work on these, this is the one.

There are two mantras, connected to Prithivi Namaskar. The first one is “ OM PRITHVIYAEE NAMAHA- ॐ पृथिव्यैनमः” and second one is “OM BHOODEVIYAEE NAMAHA – ॐभूदेव्यै नमः” – both are directed to the Mother Earth. And in every position of Prithivi Namaskar you will have to say these mantras loudly. And saying these mantras loudly starts reaction in a certain way in your breathing, which has a direct effect on your pranic forces and mental stability. Your mind begins to open up. One can feel by doing it within. By completing one set of Prithvi Namaskar mental state will become very calm, quiet and very different & physically one will become very strong.”

Prithvi Namaskar has 18 steps which includes 11 asana 6 asana are repeated.

Here a beautiful way of providing salutation to Mother Earth.

The sequence present below of Prithvi Namaskara is a simple one that is suitable for yoga practitioners of all the levels. There are 18 poses to this sequence Always breathe through your nose this warms the air entering your body and provides meditative aspects to your practice. If you’re struggling to breath, ease up a bit. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities.

Step By Step Asanas of Prithvi Namaskar with their benefits are as follow:

Note: If you are a beginner in yoga it is advisable to first try and master each of the listed asana separately. Then attempt completing sequence of complete asanas.


Step I: Pranamasana (Prayer position)

Stand at the front edge of your mat, keep your feet together and balance your body equally on both feet. Expand your chest and relax your shoulders. Lift both arms up from the sides while inhaling and bring palm together in front of your upper chest, join them and exhale.

Benefits: The benefits of performing the prayer pose on a regular basis is that it positively affects the mind and the body. It elongates the spine as well to improve the body structure. Arms, muscles and its bonding with the bones gets strengthened. Induces relaxation to the mind the muscles. Supports post natal therapy for pregnant women and promotes the start of meditation practice.


Step II: Malasana (squat)

To come from parnamasana to malasan, begin by touching big toes and a very small amount of space between your heels. Spin your inner thighs back while gently releasing the flesh of your buttocks towards your heels. Inhale, come into Utkatasana, energetically reaching your fingertips to the ceiling to lengthen your torso while bending your knees and descending your tailbone. Press your shins back to bring more weight into your heels. Inhale, use your arms to find any amount more length along the side body. Exhale, separate your knees while bending deeper and pulling your palms down in front of your heart. Lower your buttocks towards your heels, allowing your pelvis to gently spill backwards and directing your tailbone towards the floor. Tilt your torso forward and nestle the sides of your body between your inner thighs, gently pinning your knees in to hug your outer shoulders. Press your palms together in Anjali Mudra.

Benefits: Garland Pose (Malansana) is yoga's deep squat. It opens your hips and groin in counterbalance to the tightness you can develop from sitting too much. You can make use of props for support at first so you can do the pose in a way that's not painful. It stretches and strengthens the feet and ankles. Then work over time to slowly wean yourself from the props by lowering them little by little. It can be a long process, but it works and is important for your long-term mobility and for pain prevention.


Step III: Shavasana

From malasana roll back your body and lie flat on your back on the yoga mat.

Benefits: Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression .Relaxes the body, reduces headache, fatigue, and insomnia. Also helps to lower blood pressure.


Step IV: Uttanpadasana (Leg raised pose)

By lying in shavasana slowly lift up both of your leg together to 60 degree angle. Maintain your bodyweight only the crown of your head and on your buttocks.

Benefits: Leg Raised Pose is beneficial in stomach disorders (Indigestion, acidity, and constipation). Makes your abdominal region stronger and strengthens your hip, back & thigh muscles. Beneficial in arthritis pain, waist pain, and heart problems also. This yoga pose cures back pain. Leg Raised Pose reduces your belly fats and tones your stomach muscles. It improves the digestive system and excellent for those, who are looking for 6 packs abs.

Note: People suffering of high blood pressure, ulcer, and slip disc or in any abdominal surgery strictly avoid this yoga pose. Pregnant women should avoid this Asana and should not practice this pose in days of periods.


Step V: Uttanpadasana with open legs (Leg raised Pose)

By remaining in the same posture slowly widen your legs to opposite sides. Maintain your bodyweight only the crown of your head and on your buttocks.

Benefits: Leg Raised Pose is beneficial in stomach disorders (Indigestion, acidity, and constipation). Makes your abdominal region stronger and strengthens your hip, back & thigh muscles. Beneficial in arthritis pain, waist pain, and heart problems also. This yoga pose cures back pain. Leg Raised Pose reduces your belly fats and tones your stomach muscles. It improves the digestive system. Excellent for those, who are looking for 6 packs abs.

Note: People suffering of high blood pressure, ulcer, and slip disc or in any abdominal surgery strictly avoid this yoga pose. Pregnant women should avoid this Asana and should not practice this pose in days of periods.


Step VI: Uttanpadasana ( Leg Raised Pose)

Return to the posture of step 4.


Step VII Ardha Halasana (Half Plogue Pose) with variation holding the feet

With exhalation raise your legs to little more up towards 90 degree and try to touch your feet without bending knees.

Benefits: This asana relieves constipation. It improves circulation. It helps strengthen thigh and calf muscles. It can help you lose weight and reduce belly fat. It stimulates abdominal organs. It works well on upper and lower stomach muscles.


Step VIII: Shavasana

Return to the posture of step 3 by rolling down your body to the floor.


Step IX: Malasana (squat)

Return to the posture of step 2 by rolling up your body.


Step X: Pranamasana ( Prayer position)

Return to the posture of step 1


Step XI: Malasana (squat)

Return to the posture of step 2 and 9.


Step XII: Kumbhakasana or Phalakasana (High Plank)

Rest firmly with your hands on the floor. Jump the feet back. Ground them down through and press the heels back. Keep the body straight & only four parts should be touching the floor by your palm and toes. Look between your hands. Spread your fingers and press through your hands into the ground. Keep your chest open and engage your abdomen muscles. Visualize your belly button wanting to touch your spine.

Benefits: The most important advantages of this yoga pose is that it helps in remaining focused and improves concentration. The muscles like the hamstrings, the quadriceps, calves too are put to work, thus toning them and making them strong and flexible. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and give a great posture to body. It also improves the respiratory system.

Note: Buttocks: keep it aligned, not too high and not too low. Engage your abdomen, pulling navel towards the spine to protect the lower back. People having recent or chronic injury to the arms, wrist, back or shoulders should avoid doing this asana. Women should avoid it doing during menstruation.


Step XIII: Chaturanga Dandasana (Low Plank)

Slowly bend your elbow and keep the body in same posture parallel to the ground as supported by the toes and palms, with elbows at a right angle along the body.

Benefits: Strengthens the arms and wrists, tones the abdomen helping in focusing and improving concentration.

Note: Buttocks: keep it aligned, not too high and not too low. Engage your abdomen, pulling navel towards the spine to protect the lower back. People having recent or chronic injury to the arms, wrist, back or shoulders should avoid doing this asana. Women should avoid it doing during menstruation.


Step XIV: Eka Pada Sanchalit Chaturanga Dandasana (One- legged Dynamic Four- limbed Staff pose)

Being is the same pose as step 13 slowly lift your right leg lifted up high towards roof with toes pointed downward.

Benefits: Strengthens the shoulder, arms and wrists tones the abdomen helps in improving digestion, body balance, focusing and concentration.

Note: If your shoulders or wrists are injured, be careful and do not strain yourself


Step XV: Eka Pada Sanchalit Chaturanga Dandasana (One- legged Dynamic Four- limbed Staff pose)

Repeat the step XIV with left leg


Step XVI: Kumbhakasana or Phalakasana (High Plank)

Return to the posture 12


Step XVII:

Return to the posture 2



Now return back to the first posture

Benefits of Prithvi Namaskar (Earth Salutation):

· Open shoulder blades

· Strengthens lower back, wrists and shoulders

· Stretches the hamstrings behind your knees

· Tones your waist

· Masseges your calf muscles

· Promotes weight loss

· Strengthens and flexes your lower back and shoulders

· Builds core muscles strength

· Creates a sense of balances

· Tightens the abdomen muscles

· Improves blood flow

· Body looks younger


Please take note that the effects of Prithvi Namaskar may vary from person to person. The above benefits are a guideline as it has been observed by many practitioners. The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.

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