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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma




Pranayama is more than a simple breathing exercise and it must be practiced systematically and under proper guidance. The practice of Pranayama helps regulate our emotions and stabilize the mind, The mind has an inborn tendency of being restless and easily wanders from one thought to another. Thus, the slow, rhythmic and controlled breathing in Pranayama leads to emotional control.

What is Pranayama?

pranayam is the formal practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our Prana or life-force. It is comprised of two words Prana and Ayama. The word Prana means life force and Ayama means control (by stretching or expanding it).

‘Prana + Ayama = Control over the life force’

Pranayama is not merely breath control but a technique through which the pranic process in the body Via breathing is the direct means of absorbing prana and the manner in which we breathe sets off pranic vibrations which influences our entire being. When we breathe in, we take in vital energy and remove waste products or toxins out of the body and mind as we breathe out.

Pranayama is usually considered to be the practice of controlled inhalation called ’Puraka‘ and exhalation called ‘Rechaka‘ combined with retention known as ‘Kumbhakha’ in yogic Shastra. Retention (Kumbhaka) is most important as it allows more time for the exchange of gases in the cells, i.e., Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.

Discipline and Diet control is specified along with the practice of pranayama. Eating is a direct means of pranic absorption, which affects the body, mind and pranic vibrations.

अथासने दृधे योगी वशी हितमिताअशनः ।" गुरूपदिष्टमार्गेण प्राणायामान् समभ्यसेत् ॥१॥

athāsane dr̥dhe yogī vaśī hita-mitā-aśanaḥ ।" guru-upadiṣṭa-mārgeṇa prāṇāyāmān samabhyaset ॥1॥

Thus being established in asana and having control (of the body) taking a balanced diet pranayama should be practiced according to the instructions of the guru.

प्राणायामं ततः कुर्यान् नित्यं सात्त्विकया धिया ।" यथा सुषुम्णानाडीस्था मलाः शुद्धिं प्रयान्ति च ॥६॥

prāṇāyāmaṁ tataḥ kuryān nityaṁ sāttvikayā dhiyā ।" yathā suṣumṇā-nāḍīsthā malāḥ śuddhiṁ prayānti ca ॥6॥

· Pranayama should be done daily with a sattvic state of mind so that the impurities are driven out of Sushuman Nadi and purification occurs.

· Pranayama helps to activate nadis in our body. Nadi refers to the ‘ flow of energy’ in our body just as the negative and positive forces of electricity flow though complex circuits, in the same way, Prana Shakti (vital force) and Manas Shakti (mental force) flow through every part of our body via these nadis.

Ida nadi- Chandra nadi corresponds to left nostril: when breath is flowing through the left nostril it indicates that ida and the right brain hemisphere are active. The right hemisphere is concerned with intuition, mental creativity and orientation in space.

Pingal Nadi – Surya nadi corresponds to the right nostril: when breath is flowing through the right nostril it indicates that left brain hemisphere is active it processes information logically, sequentially and functions according to time sequence. During the flow of Pingala physical work should be done.

Sushuman Nadi – Central nadi: When the breath flow naturally through both nostrils it means Shsumna is active. Within sushmana nadi there are three granthis or psychic pranic knots which prevent the passage of kundalini shakti.

If a person has never done any Pranayama practice it is recommended to be fully acquainted with the natural breathing process first. This can be done by practicing the following technique:

Simple Breathing Technique:

Sit in any relaxing posture and feel the breath moving in through the nostrils, down the trachea and into the lungs, filling the lungs, with the stomach expanding with inhalation and while exhaling and feeling the stomach compress and the lungs contracting and the whole body relax as the air passes up to the nose and out through the nostril .

Practice it for a few minutes before starting Pranayama.

Benefits of Pranayama:

Pranayama practices have benefits at all levels for human beings- physical, physiological, mental and spiritual. Some of these benefits are as described below.

Every organ in the body including heart, brain, lungs, digestive organs, endocrine glands and excretory organs have rhythms. Breathing too has a specific rhythm. Pranayama brings the breath in natural rhythm by controlling the process of inhalation, exhalation and retention. Breathing influences almost all the systems of the body.

It helps to maintain the natural rhythm of all body organs, and allows them to function properly for major part of our lives.

It also helps in slowing down the ageing processes.

Types of pranayama:

· Chandrabhedi Pranayama


Please take note that the effects of Pranayama may vary from person to person. The above benefits are a guideline as it has been observed by many practitioners. The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.

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