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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma


Updated: Feb 5, 2021


Hi! My dear readers,

This blog is dedicated to all the female readers who are suffering from agonizing PCOD and PCOS. Major reason of this problem is our unhealthy diet and hectic life style. We all know yoga is not only an exercise but also a way of living a healthy life.

YOGA works as magic for PCOD and PCOS.

Here I am presenting an easy yoga routine to overcome these problems.

Further for the ease of readers I have divided it into two parts

Part1: Pranayma

Part 2: Pcod/Pcos asana sequence

Part 1:

Pranayam ( Breathing technique) and the meditation techniques of yoga help to calm the mind and reach a state of deep relaxation. These processes help in reducing stress hormones like cortisol and provide balance to our other hormone which creates PCOS and PCOD..

1. Nadishodhana

· Make a Nasagra Mudra (Nose tip position) of right hand by following the given instructions:

· Hold the fingers of the right hand in front of the face. Bend the index and middle finger. Now place your thumb above the right nostril and the ring finger above the left nostril. These two fingers control the flow of breath in the nostrils by alternately pressing on one nostril, blocking the flow of breath, and then the other.

· Sit in siddhasana /siddha yoni asana or padmasana (lotus pose)

· Relax yourself for Pranayama keeping your head and spine straight.

· With the right hand thumb close the right nostril and breathe in slowly and fully through the left nostril and out through the left nostril.

· Practice this 5- 10 times

To know more about Nadishodhana click here:

2. Ujjayi Pranayam :

To practice Ujjayi Pranayam Seal your lips closed and place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. When you do this, you should feel a slight constriction in the back of your throat. Begin to breathe slowly in and out of the nose. Your breathing should feel textured and your exhales should be audible.

To know more about Ujjayi Pranayam click here:

Now once the Pranayam is done we will move forward for the series of yoga poses which I have learned during my yoga course and have made this series with my experience working with people suffering from the problem of PCOD and PCOS. It has been very helpful for all of them so thought of sharing it with everyone.

This series help increase mindfulness and bring blood flow to the pelvic region which helps managing the symptoms of pcod/pcos .

This sequence has 16 steps which includes 10 asanas rest of them are repeated..

Note: If you are a beginner in yoga it is advisable to first try and master each of the listed asana separately. Then attempt completing sequence of complete asanas.

Part 2:

Here are some easy asanas illustrated STEP BY STEP for PCOD and PCOS with their benefits:

Budhakonasana(Butterfly Pose) : helps to relieve tension in the lower back and open up the pelvic region. It also helps to reduce tension and relieve menstrual pain.

Step 1: Sit in the Dandasana Now Bend your knees and join the soles of your feet. Now hold your feet or ankles. Move your heels to the groin as so much as doable. Breathe out and let down your knees to the ground. Your arms and shoulders should be relaxed. Now press the sitting bones within the floor and let the crown of your head pointing towards the ceiling to elongate the spine. Press the sitting bones on the floor and let the crown of the head point to the ceiling to lengthen the spine. Assume that your knees moving like the wings of the butterfly. Hold this Pose for 5 counts.

Benefits: It stretches the groin and inner thighs. Increase the flexibility of knees, ankles, feet, hips and open pelvic region. It is the best prenatal exercise and relieves menstrual issues, specially for urinary disorders. It cuts down the tension from the groin part, hips and inner thighs. It also benefits the lumbar region and is useful in flat feet as well as high blood pressure along with infertility and asthma.


Balasana (Child Pose) : Child’s Pose helps to calms the central nervous system, and relieve lower back tension and menstrual cramps.

Step 2: breath gently sit straight in vajarasana and then try to bend your body in forward direction towards your thighs and try to touch the floor by your forehead. Place your hand in the forward direction in a way that they ought to totally lay on the ground and ought to be casual. As you touch the floor by your forehead just close our eyes and start counting your breath. Breathe in and breath in and breathe out slowly at that moment.

Now hold the pose for 5 counts

Benefits:It stretches your lower back and relaxes the spine. It strengthens and stretches your thighs, ankles and muscle of hips. It gives calmness to mind, and slow down the level of stress and fatigue. It relaxes lower back.


Marjariasana (Cat and Cow Pose) : Cat Cow helps to stimulate the central nervous system and loosen the muscles around the spine. The pose also helps to massage and stimulate the abdomen and reproductive organs.

Step 3: Now put palms and hands on the floor and keep your spine flat so that it’s equal to the floor and position your head in the center.

Next step is to breathe out, at the same time try to rounding your back (Spine) towards the roof. Make sure that hands and knees remain in the original position. Don’t move both at this time. (In breathing out you have to contract your tummy and pushing your navel up to the spine). Hold the position for 5 count.

Then breathe in and allow your tummy and spine to come down towards the floor. Push your spine downward as much as possible. (Keep your head towards the floor, avoid your chin forcing towards the chest). Remain in the pose for 5 counts.

After that breathe in and return to your initial position.

Benefits: Gives firmness, flexibility to your spine. It relieves tensions from your lower back and strengthens wrists & shoulders. It is a good stress buster and relaxes the mind also. It strengthens and tones your abdomen. It improves the blood circulation in the body.


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) : This pose applies gentle pressure to the stomach and helps stimulate the functions of the ovary.

Step 4: Lie down on stomach place your hands on the mat in line with your ribs. engage your abs and draw your chest and head upwards and raise the head like a snake’s hood. Hold the breath inside and bend the head backwards slightly to stare at the sky.

Benefits: Gives firmness, flexibility to your spine. It relieves tensions from your lower back and strengthens wrists & shoulders. It is a good stress buster and relaxes the mind also. It strengthens and tones your abdomen. It improves the blood circulation in the body.


Parvatasana or Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose): It increases blood circulation to the ovaries while relieving tension in the hips and lower back.

Step 5: Exhale, Bend inverted in a ‘V’ posture by lifting the hips and the tail bone up. Try as much as possible to keep your heels in contact with the floor. Look towards the navel or your knees in the final posture. Breathe normally.

Benefits: Improves blood circulation, therapeutic for high blood pressure(bp), and helps to gain height.


Vajrasan (Thunderbolt Pose): It increases blood supplies to the stomach and uterus is fine-tuned by this practice.

Step6: Place the toes completely on the floor and set the haunches on the feet. Both the legs should be in closed contact. Keep the backbone erect and place the palms on the knees. Breathe normally during this posture. The back, neck and head should remain straight.

Benefits: It is helpful in maintaining good digestion and curing gastric trouble and constipation. It strengthens the muscles around stomach and protects from the problems related to hernia. Blood supply to the stomach and uterus is fine-tuned by this practice.


Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend): It alleviates tension in the hips and lower back. It also helps to promote alignment of the reproductive organs, strengthen the ovaries, and alleviate menstrual problems.

Step7: Know stretched out your legs straight in front of you on the floor. Keep the spine erect and toes flexed towards you. Now breathe in and slowly breathe out and bend forward from the hip joint, chin moving toward the toes keeping the spine erect. Place your hands on your legs, wherever they reach, without putting much effort.

If possible hold of your toes and pull on them to help you go forward. Stay in this position as long as possible for 5 counts.

Benefits: Stretches the whole spine, shoulders specifically lower back, hamstring, and hips. Massages and tones the abdominal and pelvic organs. Improves circulation.

Stretches and strengthens the calf and thigh muscles. Activates the spinal nerves.

Tones the arms. Reduces abdomen fat. Beneficial for the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus. Paschimottanasana relaxes your mind and kicks out mild stress & depression. It relieves in a headache, lower down the level of and relaxes your body. Daily Practice of Paschimottanasana improves your digestive system. It is beneficial for those who are suffering from insomnia.


Ardha matsyendrasana(Right): It massages the digestive and reproductive organs. This pose also helps to loosen the muscles around the spine, lower blood pressure, and soothe the nervous system. Improves menstruation disorder.

Step8: Now keep the left foot by the side of the right buttock. Keep the right leg on top, with the foot in front of the left knee and the right knee raised upward (or the right foot can be placed by the outside of the left knee or left thigh). Inhale and raise the arms shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight.

Exhaling, twist to the right, place the left arm by the outer side of the right knee and hold the right ankle with the left hand. Take the right arm behind the back and rest the back of the right hand against the left side of the waist.

Hold on the position for 5 counts. Breath normal

Then inhale and raise the left arm shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight.

Exhaling, release the right twist, place the left hand by the side of the left buttock and right hand by the side of the right buttock.

Take a deep breath and relax.

Benefits: Ardha Matsyendrasana Increases the elasticity of the spine and tones the spinal nerves. Stretches the muscles and helps to get relief in the stiffness of vertebrae also massages the abdominal organs. It regulates the secretion of digestive juices useful for different digestive disorders. Loosens the hip joints, relieving stiffness.

Specifically stimulates Navel chakra or Manipura chakra.


Ardha matsyendrasana(left): It massages the digestive and reproductive organs. This pose also helps to loosen the muscles around the spine, lower blood pressure, and soothe the nervous system. Improves menstruation disorder.


Step9: Now keep the right foot by the side of the left buttock. Keep the left leg on top, with the foot in front of the right knee and the left knee raised upward (or the left foot can be placed by the outside of the right knee or right thigh). Inhale and raise the arms shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight. Exhaling, twist to the left, place the right arm by the outer side of the left knee and hold the left ankle with the right hand. Take the left arm behind the back and rest the back of the left hand against the right side of the waist. Hold on the position for 5 counts. Breath normal

Then inhale and raise the right arm shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight. Exhaling, release the left twist, place the right hand by the side of the right buttock and left hand by the side of the left buttock.

Take a deep breath and relax.

Benefits: Ardha Matsyendrasana Increases the elasticity of the spine and tones the spinal nerves. Stretches the muscles and helps to get relief in the stiffness of vertebrae also massages the abdominal organs. It regulates the secretion of digestive juices useful for different digestive disorders. Loosens the hip joints, relieving stiffness.

Specifically stimulates Navel chakra or Manipura chakra.


Naukasana (Boat Pose): It strengthens the core and pelvic muscles, stimulating your immune and endocrine systems.

Step10: Lie on your stomach with your feet together and arms stretched forward to your head. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your hand, head, chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet.

Your hands and toes should be in a line. Keep breathing deeply and easily while maintaining the pose hold the pose for 5 breath

Benefits: This pose helps in reducing fat around belly area. It is beneficial specifically to women as it improves reproductive system and helps improve menstrual disorders. Helps regulate the pancreas and is recommended for people with diabetes expands the thoracic region of the chest increases the appetite.


Dhanurasana (Bow Pose): Balancing the weight of the body on your abdomen also reduces abdominal fat and keeps the digestive and reproductive systems healthy.

Step11: Lie on your stomach and hold your both feet with your hands making a back bend and positioning like a bow. Now pull your both feet slowly – slowly, as much as you can. Look straight ahead with a smile in your face. keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breath. Hold the pose for 5 breath.

Benefits: This Pose helps in reducing fat around belly area. It is beneficial specifically to women as it improves reproductive system and helps improve menstrual disorders. Helps regulate the pancreas and is recommended for people with diabetes expands the thoracic region of the chest increases the appetite.


Parvatasana or Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose):

Step12: Repeat step 5


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) : This pose applies gentle pressure to the stomach and helps stimulate the functions of the ovary.

Step13: Repeat step 4


Marjariasana (Cat and Cow Pose) : Cat Cow helps to stimulate the central nervous system and loosen the muscles around the spine. The pose also helps to massage and stimulate the abdomen and reproductive organs.

Step 14: Repeat step 3


Balasana (Child Pose) : Child’s Pose helps to calms the central nervous system, and relieve lower back tension and menstrual cramps.

Step 15: Repeat step 2


Budhakonasana(Butterfly Pose) : helps to relieve tension in the lower back and open up the pelvic region. It also helps to reduce tension and relieve menstrual pain.

Step 16: . Repeat as step 1


These sixteen steps complete one round of the series asans. With gradual progress, one may complete 3 to 5 rounds every day. The breathing patterns also get perfected with sincerity in daily practice. To a great extent these also offer the benefits of prañayamas. However, if one has time and will or is advised by the yoga teacher to do so, and one continues to practice the above asanas aptly and sincerely in doing every day empty stomach early morning of wit the gap of 4 hours of meal one would defiantly get the positive results …


Please take note that the effects of Asanas may vary from person to person. The above benefits are a guideline as it has been observed by many practitioners. The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.

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