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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma


Updated: Jun 10, 2021


Note: If you are a beginner in yoga it is advisable to first try and master each of the listed asana separately. Then attempt completing sequence of complete asanas.

STEP 1.: TADASANA (Standing Mountain Pose):Come to stand in Tadasana, in the center of your mat facing the long edge, Inhale arms up hands in prayer position at the heart center. Close your eyes and draw the focus inwards, coming to your breath and perhaps reflecting for a moment on what the moon means to you and to the earth.

STEP 2.: Urdhva Hastasana (Upword salute side bend):Inhale and sweep your arms out to the side and overhead. Interlace your fingers and point your index fingers to the ceiling. Exhale and press your left hip to the side, bending your upper torso to the right. Keep feet and thighs firmly engaged. Inhale and come back to center. Exhale and bend to the left and then inhale to come back to the center. Exhale slowly and releases your arms.

STEP 3. Utkata Konasana (Godess Squat):Inhale as you step your feet wide apart and turn your toes out slightly. Bend your knees directly over our toes and lower your hips into a squat and exhale. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder-height with your palms facing forward. Then bend your elbows and pint your fingertips toward the ceiling; your upper arms and forearms should be at 90 degree to deepen the pose, come onto your toes. Keep the face relaxed.

STEP 4. Utthita Tadasana (Star Pose): Straighten you legs inhale by keeping your feet wide apart. Extend your arms at shoulder-height, facing you palms forward. Spread your fingers.

STEP 5. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Right Triangle Pose): Inhale turn both feet to the right, arms outstretched and parallel to the floor. Exhale, reach long over the right leg. Lower the right hand to ankle or shin and extend the left arm to the sky. Look at the tip of left arm.

Step 6. Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose Right): Inhale as you straightens both legs. Exhale and fold your torso over your right leg. Test both hands on your lower leg foot, or the floor. Ground down through the heel of your back foot

Step 7. Anjaneyasana (Low Crescent Right Lunge ): Inhale, step the left foot back and bend the right knee so you come into a lunge position. Make sure the knee stays in line with ankle and push the left thigh up and back.

Step 8.Ardhamalasana / Skandasana (Low side lunge) right: Exhale, bring both hands to the floor to the big toe side of your right foot. Turn inwards on the ball of the right foot and rotate your body to the front of the mat. Left leg is extended, toes point to the ceiling. If your balance allows it bring your hands together in Anjuli Mudra(Prayer Position) or keep your hands resting on the floor in initial stage.

9. Malasana( Garland Pose): Inhale and step your right foot in toward your left and lower your tailbone, coming into a low squat. Bring your upper arms to the inside of your knees. Press your elbows against the inside of your knees and bring your palms together in prayer position. Exhale fully. Keep your feet as wide apart as needed to feel steady.

At this point we turn towards the left leg and ‘rewind’ the poses we have already done.

Step 10.Ardhamalasana/Skandasana (Low side Lunge)left: Exhale, bring both hands to the floor to the big toe side of your left foot. Turn inwards on the ball of the left foot and rotate your body to the front of the mat. Right leg is extended, toes point to the ceiling. If your balance allows it bring your hands together in Anjuli Mudra(Prayer Position) or keep your hands resting on the

floor in initial stage.

Step 11. Anjaneyasana (Low Crescent Left Lunge): Inhale, step the right foot back and bend the left knee so you come into a lunge position. Make sure the knee stays in line with ankle and push the right thigh up and back.

Step 12. Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose Left): Inhale as you straightens both legs. Exhale and fold your torso over your left leg. Test both hands on your lower leg foot, or the floor. Ground down through the heel of your back foot.

STEP 13. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Left Triangle Pose): Inhale turn both feet to the left, arms outstretched and parallel to the floor. Exhale reach long over the left leg. Lower the left hand to ankle or shin and extend the right arm to the sky. Look at the tip of right arm.

STEP 14. Utthita Tadasana (Star Pose): Straighten you legs inhale by keeping your feet wide apart. Extend your arms at shoulder-height, facing you palms forward. Spread your fingers.

STEP 15. Utkata Konasana (Godess Squat):Inhale as you step your feet wide apart and turn your toes out slightly. Bend your knees directly over our toes and lower your hips into a squat and exhale. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder-height with your palms facing forward. Then bend your elbows and pint your fingertips toward the ceiling; your upper arms and forearms should be at 90 degree to deepen the pose, come onto your toes. Keep the

face relaxed.

STEP 16.: Urdhva Hastasana (Upword salute side bend):Inhale and sweep your arms out to the side and overhead. Interlace your fingers and point your index fingers to the ceiling. Exhale and press your right hip to the side, bending your upper torso to the left. Keep feet and thighs firmly engaged. Inhale and come back to center. Exhale and bend to the right and then inhale to come back to the center. Exhale slowly and releases your arms.

STEP 17.: TADASANA (Standing Mountain Pose):Come to stand in Tadasana, in the center of your mat facing the long edge, Inhale arms up hands in prayer position at the heart center. Close your eyes and draw the focus inwards, coming to your breath and perhaps reflecting for a moment on what the moon means to you and to the earth.

Repeat these steps 4-5 time as per your capacity.

Disclaimer:The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.

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Jul 18, 2020

love your contents


Jul 18, 2020

Very well explained keep uploading such series of yoga


Jul 08, 2020

Very well explained new to me pls keep uploading such content

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