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  • Writer's pictureNeelbala Verma




Bhrastika is a Sanskrit word which means ‘bellows’. The word Bhrastika Pranayama is a breathing exercise which leads to blowing of bellow. The action of bhastra (bellow) fans the internal fire and and heating the physical and subtle body. Bhrastrika Pranayam is similar to Shatakarma Kapalabhati, the difference is, in Bhrastika inhalation and exhalation are equal and systematic and equal lung movement where as in Kapalbhati we concentrate on exhalation only inhalation is the result of forced exhalation.

NOTE: Bhrastrika should be performed after asana and Nadi Shodhana, but before Sheetkari, Sheetali or Ujjayi.

During warm seasons it should be allowed by a few rounds of Sheetali or Sheetkari so that the body does not overheat. The number of rounds of Bhrastika may also need to be reduced.


· Sit on the mat in any comfortably asana preferably Padmasana on flat ground on mat.

· Relax yourself for Pranayama keeping your head and spine straight.

· Throughout the practice the body should remain steady. The shoulders and chest should not move at all, only the lungs, diaphragm and abdomen should move. Spine should remain straight.

· Take a deep breath through both nostrils and fill the lungs with air.

· After full inhalation, quickly exhale with great force making a hissing sound.

· Inhale deeply and exhale completely.

· Gradually increase the rapidity of inhalation and exhalation.


The force should be applied while breathing in and breathing out. One can determine how much force to apply while inhaling and exhaling respectively according to your capacity do not over exert.

Benefits of Bhrastrika Pranayama:

Bhrastrika as described above is the most energizing practice of pranayama. It raises the BMR (basal metabolic rate) thereby increasing the calorie consumption in the body.

Rhythmic inhalation and exhalation stimulates circulation of cerebral fluid, creating compression of cerebral fluid, creating compression and decompression in the brain.

It stimulates heart and lung muscles, thus improving blood circulation and strengthening lungs.

Accelerated blood circulation and rate of gas exchange in each cell produces heat and washes out gases.

Relaxes the body and mind, improves concentration, and relieves stress, depression and hypertension.

Increases appetite and provides effective cure for obesity.

Provides cure against health ailments such as asthma, headache, migraine, neurological, gastric, arthritis and throat infection.

Increases warmth in the body and helps prevent common cold. It also flushes out toxins from the body and course illnesses of respiratory tack.

It imparts glow to the skin.


People suffering from high blood pressure or heart problem should not practice Bhastrika Pranayama.

Bhastrika is a powerful Pranayama. People with low stamina should avoid doing it.


Please take note that the effects of Suryanamaskar may vary from person to person. The above benefits are a guideline as it has been observed by many practitioners. The exercises mentioned herein are not meant to replace any medical advice, medication, therapy that you may be getting or may have been advised by your physician.

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